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Get Your Life Back

Take control of your headaches & Live life as it was meant to be

There is help for
your headache pain

Rediscover life and experience
Relief from deliberate pain

Don't stop others
from enjoying you

Chronic Daily Headche doesn't only affect you
It affects others around you

  • Testimonial
    I was in pain for years. I called Dr. Perry and discussed my pain. We determined it was to my best interest to do the testing. I went to Houston and now I simply cannot tell you how my life has changed. From time to time I have a very mild headache, but I am free again. I can live my life and I owe it all to Dr. Perry and the nerve decompression surgery. Get it done if you have a chance. I cannot tell you how much better I feel. I would do it again tomorrow and cannot understand why no one told me about this type of help years and years ago. Thank you Dr. Perry.

    — MJ Sweringen May 2013 Pain free date.

Chronic Daily Headache


Chronic daily headache is a condition where a person’s head hurts all the time. Typically in todays world, if your head aches for 15 days running, then you are considered to have CDH. Many people seem to have just given up. They have been to every doctor that will give them an appointment only to hear the same old thing. Since 2% of the population experiences this as a daily fact of life many just think that there is nothing left to do. That they are just doomed to have this pain for the rest of their lives.

It is estimated that over $20 billion can be attributed to direct or indirect costs of this condition.

For years nerve decompression surgery has issued relief to many thousands of people who have not simply listened to their every day doctor. The past has shown us that after waiting for sometimes 10 and 15 years, people have simply become tired of hearing the same old things from their doctors. That they should just deal with it. Take some more drugs. After hearing this for years and years many patients have taken the leap of faith and called Dr. Perry and are now feeling near pain free.

In fact in light of the recent successes of our techniques, more people refuse to listen and are coming in after several years of traditional therapy and are experiencing rapid reduction of their pain. Recent studies have shown that actually waiting for 10 to 20 years might in fact make it much harder to treat the pain with compression surgery. The sooner we can talk to you and discover your symptoms and what you have done to reliever your pain, the sooner we can discover if this life altering technique can do you for you what it has done for thousands. Reduced the pain in your head!

That is what we do. We do not take this lightly. We do the right thing and provide the best we can to our patients.

Give us a call today at 713-522-8228!

Let us discover a treatment that can help you start enjoying your life again.



Latest News

    • 19 JUN 14
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    American Headache Society Meeting

    The ACH, American Headache Society meeting in 215 was in June from the 18th through the 21 in Washington DC. The 57th Annual Scientific Meeting is designed for physicians, psychologists, scientists, researchers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other health professionals involved in the care of patients with head, neck, and orofacial pain. There is a